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What is a Home Warranty? Essential Protection for Your New Property

What is a Home Warranty? Essential Protection for Your New Property

By Christophe Choo Posted Aug 09, 2023 Beverly Hills, Latest Updates, Real Estate Advice for Buyers & Sellers, Videos

What is a Home Warranty? Essential Protection for Your New Property

🏠🛡️ What is a Home Warranty for Your New Property? Learn More! 💼

Secure your dream home with peace of mind! 🧘🏻 A home warranty is a must-have when closing escrow on a property. For over three decades, ⏱️ I've recommended sellers to provide this valuable protection for buyers. 🔒

🛡️ What does it cover? Think of it as a comprehensive home insurance policy, safeguarding crucial components like plumbing, electricals, and major systems. 💡🔌 Say goodbye to worries about your washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator, freezer, air conditioning, and more! 👋🏼

💯 Don't underestimate its importance! Even after two decades, I still have a home warranty on my property. 🏠 When our water heater blew up shortly after purchase, the warranty saved us from a hefty $2,500 bill! 😲

🤝 Whether the seller pays for it or not, as your agent, I've got your back. A home warranty is a smart investment 💰to ensure a worry-free homeownership journey. 🏠

#HomeWarranty #PeaceOfMind #ProtectYourHome #LA #BeverlyHills #RealEstate #Realtor

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