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Buying or Selling in LA or Beverly Hills? Understanding Escrow Amendments for Smooth Property Transaction

Buying or Selling in LA or Beverly Hills? Understanding Escrow Amendments for Smooth Property Transaction

By Christophe Choo Posted Aug 02, 2023 Beverly Hills, Featured, Latest Updates, Real Estate Advice for Buyers & Sellers

📝🖋️ When it comes to buying a home, the process involves signing a residential purchase agreement💰and joint Escrow instructions. These documents outline the initial terms of the agreement. 📜

However, it's common for changes to occur during negotiations, such as credits for repairs or other adjustments. In such cases, 💼 an amendment is made to the contract. It can be written by the buyer and seller or prepared by Escrow as part of the process. Once both parties agree to the changes, 🤝 the amendment is signed, officially revising the contract and moving closer to the closing. 📄✨

#RealEstateContracts #Amendment #Negotiations #ClosingProcess #HomeBuyingJourney #BeverlyHills #Realestate #la #realtor

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